Nelle scorse ore, Ubisoft ha pubblicato una nuova patch di Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, lo shooter in terza persona di Massive Entertainment in uscita oggi 15 marzo.
L’aggiornamento ha un peso di circa 1 GB e risolve alcuni problemi presenti nel gioco, tra cui il bug del castello (che causava inconvenienti nella progressione della trama), la quantità di punti XP assegnata e il modo di agire di alcuni NPC in determinate situazioni.
Sono anche state apportate correzioni ad alcune missioni, tra cui quella di Beekeeper Jeff (dove non c’erano corde distribuite correttamente per consentire l’estrazione alla fine della quest) e quella di Jefferson Plaza (in cui la scena NPC veniva interrotta durante un combattimento con il boss).
Ecco di seguito la lista completa con tutte le modifiche (aggiorneremo l’elenco in italiano non appena questo sarà disponibile):
- We removed a work in progress weapon that was not properly named and balanced.
- Crossbows now deal explosive damage to multiple objects as intended
- Exotic weapons equipped with silencers will now produce the sound they’re intended to make.
- NPCs engaged in combat will now react to grenades as intended.
- The ropes will now deploy properly to allow for extraction at the end of the Beekeeper Jeff side mission.
- Players should no longer be able to unlock Castle prematurely. This issue would block progression in some instances.
- Fixed a loot exploit that involved repeatedly killing bosses in some Invaded missions.
- In Jefferson Plaza, the NPC scene can no longer be interrupted during a boss fight.
PC specific
- PC players playing together while connected to the same network were meeting a number of issues when interacting with each other. This has now been fixed.
- On PC, FreeSync 2 HDR can now properly be selected in game regardless of your PC’s configuration.
- Weapons skins will no longer disappear if attached to a weapon and sold to a vendor.
- Stopped “SHD CPU V.2” and “Cyclone Magazine” skill mods from dropping as loot. Player’s who already have the items can use them once they unlock the corresponding specialization perk.
- Players will no longer get stuck on black screens after watching introduction cinematics.
- We have updated XP rewards for all end game activities, so that they will scale to the player’s level, instead of being flat values.
- Several corrupted audio issues have been fixed.
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 è disponibile su PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One. In attesa della recensione, vi invitiamo a leggere l’editoriale dedicato alle nostre prime impressioni sul gioco.