Aggiornamento delle 19:05
L’update è finalmente disponibile su PlayStation 4 e Xbox One, e richiede circa 85MB di spazio libero su disco. A fondo pagina potete trovare il changelog con tutte le novità dell’aggiornamento.
[divider]NOTIZIA ORIGINALE[/divider]
Bungie ha annunciato su Twitter l’arrivo di un nuovo aggiornamento per Destiny: I Signori del Ferro che andrà a correggere dei piccoli problemi riscontrati nel primo mese di vita dell’ultimo evento Era di Trionfo.
Destiny will receive Hotfix today (4/20) starting at 10 AM PDT for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles.
— Bungie Help (@BungieHelp) April 20, 2017
L’update sarà disponibile oggi 20 aprile alle ore 19.00 e risolverà, tra i vari bug, il grave problema delle partite delle Prove di Osiride che non terminano mai, oltre alle continue notifiche del Registro dell’Era di Trionfo che si attivano, in particolar modo, quando si utilizza la companion app.
A seguire il changelog ufficiale dell’update
- Fixed a crash when respawning with Knuckles of Eao active
- Fixed an issue where the Elimination round timer was stopping indefinitely when a Guardian was killed immediately after being revived in high-latency matches
- Fixed an issue where some Flawless Trials of Osiris runs prior to the Rise of Iron Release were not being counted in the Record Book
- Added invisible physics to prevent players from standing outside the intended playable space on Rusted Lands
- Fixed an issue where Treasures of Ages earned from completing Activities each week were previously not stacking
- Fixed an issue causing some Sterling Treasures to not drop Desolate Armor
- Added change that prevents duplicate rewards of the new Ships in the Treasure of Ages
- Fixed an issue where Eris was not selling Runes for Court of Oryx
- Fixed an issue where the Weekly Heroic Story Playlist was not progressing the Pushing Back the Darkness quest step of the “A Tale of Two Guardians” quest
- Fixed an issue where viewing characters on or in 3rd party tools could cause some Record Book objectives to change state incorrectly, often resulting in a notification