Inizia l’evento Anniversario di Overwatch, disponibile una nuova patch


Come già annunciato qualche giorno fa, nelle scorse ore ha preso il via il nuovo evento Anniversario di Overwatch, organizzato da Blizzard per celebrare il primo anno di vita dello shooter.

Oltre a nuovi emote, spray, pose e skin per tutti i personaggi presenti nel gioco, il titolo verrà aggiornate con nuove Arene che gli utenti potranno testare nella modalità Arcade. Scopriamo insieme le nuove mappe:

Inoltre, per preparare l’inizio dell’evento Anniversario, gli sviluppatori hanno rilasciato una patch del gioco con nuovi bilanciamenti e correzioni di bug. Qui di seguito vi riportiamo il change-log completo in lingua inglese del nuovo aggiornamento di Overwatch su PC, PS4 e Xbox One, oltre al video con tutte le nuove skin ed emote a cura del solito Arekkz.




Developer Comments: By default, weapon recoil recovery is overruled by downward crosshair movement. This means that downward movement during the weapon’s recoil recovery phase will override the weapon’s natural recoil recovery. This option allows you to remove this functionality, meaning a weapon’s natural recoil recovery movement acts independently from downward crosshair movement. In practice, this will make your crosshair move faster if you aim downward during the recoil recovery window.


Developer Comments: This is a quality of life change to make wall climbing feel better.


Developer Comments: Decreasing Hanzo’s draw time gives him more overall DPS, while also letting him fully charge an arrow and more quickly return to full movement speed when needed. And, like the change to Genji’s wall climbing, this is a quality of life change that will make climbing feel better.


Developer Comments: To help Orisa maintain the front line for her team, we’re reducing the cooldown of her Protective Barrier. This change also helps her reposition the barrier more easily when needed. To compensate for this new defensive strength, we’re reducing her Fusion Driver’s damage, as it felt too high.


Developer Comments: Wraith Form is typically used as an escape ability after firing. This change gives Reaper a fighting chance if an enemy chases him down as he uses it.



Developer Comments: Earthshatter tended to climb unexpectedly high, frequently hitting targets that were significantly above the ground. These changes help the ability stay more grounded.

Soldier: 76

Developer Comments: Soldier: 76 is in a much better place lately, but his damage output was making him a must pick, compared to similar roles.


Developer Comments: When PC players switch from using the Keyboard/Mouse to a game controller, the game’s user interface is dynamically updated to the console/controller version. Additionally, the button layout on many heroes (like Hanzo, Zenyatta, and Mercy) is different on console. In the past, when a player chose to play using a controller and a mouse, the UI would constantly switch, depending on which device was sending information to the game. This new option allows players to set a default user interface if they choose to use a controller along with a keyboard/mouse.


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