Nelle scorse ore QLOC ha diffuso il terzo aggiornamento relativo alla versione PC di Mortal Kombat 11, aggiornamento che corregge alcuni problemi legati al matchmaking e ad alcuni particolari input per mouse e tastiera, oltre a risolvere alcuni bug e glitch segnalati dalla community nell’ultimo periodo.
Come di consueto, i giocatori potranno scaricare automaticamente l’aggiornamento al prossimo avvio del client Steam, ecco di seguito la lista completa delle note di rilascio (in lingua inglese):
- Fixed a major source of desyncs that would occur in Group Battles
- Fixed a crash in Group Battles that could occur sometimes when pausing and activating modifiers
- Fixed an issue that would prevent calling another player for help in a Tag Battle/Group Battle while using the keyboard
- NVIDIA Highlights and NVIDIA Ansel are now available to all players with compatible NVIDIA GPUs. NVIDIA Highlights automatically captures key moments, ensuring that your best gaming moments are automatically saved. NVIDIA Ansel is a powerful photo mode that lets you take professional-grade photographs of your games.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to die twice in a row when failing a puzzle in the Krypt
- Players will now be prompted to perform a benchmark before starting an online match in Towers of Time
- Previously purchased DLC will now be displayed as unavailable in the Store
- Several issues with TAA were addressed in a previous patch
- Mouse cursor is now displaying correctly while in a menu in the Krypt
- Several UI fixes
- Several minor mouse/keyboard input fixes
Mortal Kombat 11 è disponibile per PC, PS4, Xbox One e Switch, per maggiori informazioni sul picchiaduro di NetherRealm Studios vi invitiamo a consultare la nostra esclusiva Cover Story del mese di aprile.