Con un post pubblicato su Reddit, Treyarch ha comunicato di aver reso disponibile un nuovo aggiornamento di Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 ricco di tante novità e contenuti.
Come di consueto, parte delle novità saranno disponibili in esclusiva a tempo limitato per i giocatori PS4 che già da ora potranno mettere le mani sulla nuova arma Kap-45 e lo speciale evento Barbari da 25 Tier che prenderà il via non appena il personaggio salirà di livello.
La patch, tra le altre cose andrà anche a correggere alcune problematiche della modalità Blackout dopo che gli utenti avevano segnalato l’impossibilità di utilizzare il pad per navigare nel sistema di gioco.
Di seguito vi riportiamo il changelog completo della nuova patch ricordandovi che Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 è disponibile su PC, PS4 e Xbox One.
- Barbarians Special Event stream in the Black Market including KAP 45 full-auto pistol (PS4).
- Gauntlets and new Epic Elixirs in Zombies (Xbox One/PC).
- Chaos Domination added as MP Featured Playlist.
- Team Tactical Moshpit, Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit, Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit, and Mercenary Capture Moshpit added to MP Featured category.
- Elevation and Madagascar back in MP map rotation for Black Ops Pass holders.
- Stash looting interface fixes in Blackout (consoles).
- Various gameplay improvements and crash fixes in MP, Blackout, and Zombies.
All Platforms
- Featured Playlists
- Chaos Domination added as Featured Playlist.
- 3-second zone capture time.
- Round score limit increased from 100 to 150.
- Game score limit increased from 200 to 300.
- 6v6 (up to 12 players).
- Team Tactical Moshpit, Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit, Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit, and Mercenary Capture Moshpit added to Featured category.
- Chaos Domination added as Featured Playlist.
- Maps
- Elevation and Madagascar added back to regular Core and Hardcore map rotation for Black Ops Pass holders.
- Specialists
- Crash
- Resolved an issue with players being unable to obtain ammo from Crash’s Assault Pack after dying.
- Crash
- Stability
- Implemented various crash fixes.
- Miscellaneous
- Closed an exploit that allowed players to get a full Equipment charge by switching classes
- Stability
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the player had Mule Kick from using the Perk Up Elixir when completing round 14 in “Unsinkable”.
- Miscellaneous
- Classified
- Closed exploits that allowed players to jump into various exploitable areas
- Classified
PlayStation 4
- Special Event
- Barbarians Special Event added to the Black Market.
- 25 new Tiers of loot to earn, available in the Special Event stream below the existing Operation Absolute Zerostream.
- Rewards include new Outfits, Gestures, Calling Cards, Reactive Camo, and KAP 45 full-auto pistol.
Xbox One e PC
- Gauntlets
- “Unsinkable” Gauntlet live in Voyage of Despair.
- 30 rounds of challenges with unique rules for each round.
- Players earn medals and tiered rewards for completing rounds 10, 20, and 30, as well as an additional reward for completing round 30 without failing a round.
- Players are issued a Strike by failing a round, with the game ending after three Strikes.
- All matches are timed for competitive speed-run support.
- New Elixirs
- Perk Up (Epic): Gain 4 additional random Perks that are not in your loadout.
- Refresh Mint (Epic): Refreshes the cooldowns for Equipment, Perks, and Special Weapons for your entire team.
- Conflagration Liquidation (Epic): Spawn a Bonfire Sale power-up.
PlayStation 4 e Xbox One
- Looting Interface (consoles)
- Addressed issues where players could lose the ability to use the directional pad to scroll to items until closing and re-opening a Stash.
- Addressed issues where players could lose the ability to change tabs after picking up items from a Stash.
- Stability
- Fixed rare crashes that could occur when interacting with items and Stashes