Nella giornata di ieri Electronic Arts ha diffuso il nuovo aggiornamento relativo a FIFA 19, che porta il titolo calcistico alla versione 1.08.
L’update, disponibile attualmente solo su PC e in arrivo nei prossimi giorni anche su console, è dedicato principalmente al miglioramento della finalizzazione a tempo e della reattività dei portieri sul controllo manuale, funzionalità introdotte quest’anno dagli sviluppatori che hanno un po’ spiazzato tutta la community dei giocatori.
Ecco di seguito la lista completa delle novità in arrivo con l’update (in inglese):
- An issue where a timed finesse shot would always have less error than a non-timed finesse shot, even in situations where the timed finesse shot was red or yellow.
- The level of error reduction for a timed finesse shot is now in line with the level of error reduction for other timed shots.
- The accuracy of a yellow or red timed finesse shot was found to be too high and has been reduced. This change will impact the likelihood of these shots resulting in goals scored.
- Maximum size of the Timed Finishing window for a green timed shot is now reduced.
- Yellow timed shots effectiveness were reduced for this new update.
- Reduced the effectiveness of higher powered finesse shots, both timed and non-timed shots.
- Further reduced the likelihood that a shot which was correctly aimed into the net, and that was targeting a location near to the post, would miss the net in a shooting situation where the attacking player is under no defensive pressure and is not off balance.
- Goalkeeper movement speed when being controlled by manual movement was reduced in this patch. The impact of this will be higher when using manual movement during open play and lower when in set pieces situations (corners and free kicks).
- In Player Career, finishing in first place in your league at the end of the season was not properly awarding the Win The League accomplishment.
- The Emirates FA Cup Final match being scheduled the day before the final match of the Premier League season.
- This fix will not impact existing Career Mode save files, only new Career Mode save files.
- The fatigue reduction that is applied to a Pro Clubs player when it was being controlled by someone locked to a position has now also been applied to the players when they are being controlled by someone playing on ‘Any’.
- In Pro Clubs, the Club Squad screen was not displaying the stats for each member of the club on the panel on the left side of the screen.
- Sometimes a Pro Clubs Virtual Pro’s overall rating was incorrect when displayed in the Pro Clubs hub screens.
- The overall rating that was being shown in a match, including the end of match flow, was correct.
- The overall rating that was being used during gameplay was also correct, so this was a visual issue only.
- For players that were impacted by this issue, you could see the overall rating of your Virtual Pro, when displayed in the Pro Clubs hub, be lower than it was prior to the title update.
- The overall rating used in gameplay and shown during a match should remain the same.
FIFA 19 è disponibile per PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One e Switch. Appuntamento a domani con il reveal ufficiale della Squadra della Settimana #19.