Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls 3, in arrivo la patch 1.04

Gli sviluppatori di FromSoftware hanno annunciato che presto sarà disponibile una nuova patch per Dark Souls 3.

L’aggiornamento 1.04 sarà rilasciato nei prossimi giorni su tutte le piattaforme e andrà a correggere alcuni bug riscontrati dai giocatori, in particolare i problemi legati ad alcune quest affidateci da NPC incontrati nel gioco. Purtroppo, al momento in cui scriviamo non è stata comunicata ancora una data ufficiale di rilascio ma la software house ha già pubblicato il changelog completo della patch, in lingua giapponese. Grazie a un utente di Reddit, tuttavia, siamo riusciti a ottenere una traduzione in lingua inglese, che vi proponiamo di seguito.

  • Fixed a bug where you might not get items properly while accessing a covenant when a player joins your game.
  • Some NPCs questline events have been made easier to trigger.
  • Made the requirement for joining the Rosaria’s Fingers less strict.
  • Fixed a bug when teleporting to Untended Graves.
  • Amended an issue where kicks were being parried.
  • Fixed a bug where Crystal Sage would not re-appear after warping in.
  • Fixed a bug where Dragonslayer Armour would die on its own before you fight.
  • Fixed a bug where Knight Slayer Tsorig would continue to gesture.
  • Fixed a bug where Siegward would fail to save Greirat even though the conditions have been met.
  • Fixed a bug where, when wearing a ring that increases Max HP, the change would not be reflected in some menus.
  • Fixed a bug where the voice chat icon would show (or not show) according to the settings.
  • Fixed a bug where the voice chat icon would continue to display when HUD display is set to AUTO.
  • (Xbox One) Fixed a bug where you can’t access the functions Quit Game, access bonfire, or use online play items when failing to connect to an online session.
  • (Xbox One) Fixed a bug where the game would crash to the title screen when you fail to connect to an online session.
  • Fine tuned various other things, fine tune performance, and corrected various bugs.