Fornite aggiornamento jetpack

Fortnite, l’aggiornamento 4.2 introduce tanti nuovi contenuti tra cui il Jetpack

L’update 4.2 di Fortnite è adesso disponibile per tutte le piattaforme e, come di consueto, introduce una serie di aggiustamenti e novità al celebre gioco.

Dopo il crossover con l’universo Marvel e il regalo per gli utenti Twitch Prime, un altro contenuto va ad arricchire l’esperienza della quarta stagione di Fortnite.

Insieme alle migliorie sopracitate fa il suo ingresso una nuova arma, il vampafucile, molto simile al già conosciuto FAMAS e un nuovo tipo di consumabile, una mela che troverete nei pressi di alcuni alberi, che fornisce salute istantanea. Gli altri ritocchi riguardano il bilanciamento dei danni di alcune armi e l’aumento del drop rate delle granata a impulsi.

A grande richiesta, fa la sua prima comparsa anche il Jetpack, oggetto leggendario che potrà essere trovato nei forzieri del tesoro. Per utilizzarlo non dovrete far altro che equipaggiarlo come Zaino andando a occupare uno slot libero dell’inventario. Vi basterà poi saltare perché questo si attivi in maniera automatica permettendovi di fluttuare liberamente a mezz’aria.

Vi lasciamo di seguito al changelog completo delle novità:


  • Added Epic and Legendary Burst Assault Rifles.
  • Can be found in Floor Loot, Treasure Chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines.
  • Does 32 / 33 damage (Epic / Legendary).
  • Uses Medium Ammo.
  • Uses the same damage fall-off ranges as other Assault Rifles.
  • Added a new foraged item: Apples
  • Consuming an Apple will grant 5 health (up to 100).
  • Can uncommonly be found around certain trees throughout the map.
  • Impulse Grenade drop rate has been increased by 5%.
  • Suppressed Submachine Gun
  • Damage increased by 3.
  • Common is now 20 (was 17).
  • Uncommon is now 21 (was 18).
  • Rare is now 22 (was 19).
  • Increased Accuracy reset speed by 25%. (This will decrease the penalty during continuous fire.)
  • Increased Damage fall-off range.
  • Fall-off begins at 28 meters (was 24 meters).
  • Damage reduced to 85% at 47.5 meters (was 80% at 35 meters).
  • Damage reduced to 75% at 70 meters (was 65% at 50 meters).
  • Damage reduced to 65% at 250 meters.
  • Damage Trap
  • Decreased Damage from 125 to 75.
  • Reset Time decreased from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Remote Explosives
  • They will now damage all structures within range, whether or not they are visible from the explosion center.
  • Damage radius and throw distance have been increased.
  • Delay between sequential explosions has been reduced from 0.25 seconds to 0.175 seconds.
  • Delay before detonating a charge or throwing another one has been reduced from 0.75 seconds to 0.15 seconds.
  • Removed the delay between swapping to a grenade and the ability to aim it.
  • Fixed an issue where Remote Explosives could destroy the meteor in Dusty Divot.
  • Assault Rifles no longer appear to eject multiple bullet casings per shot.
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from using the Launch Pad when multiple players activated it at the same time.


  • Added ‘Auto-Pickup’ option for pickups on PC and consoles.
  • This will automatically pick up Weapons and Consumables when walking over them (as long as inventory slots are still empty). They will be placed in the next available inventory slot.
  • DBNO damage per tick lowered from 10 to 5.
  • Chest spawn rate increased from 50-70% to 75-90%.
  • Final circle is shortened from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.
  • This last circle exists for 60 seconds before gradually closing in over an additional 60 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue where Turbo Building would stop if you pressed another button before releasing the other.
  • Fixed an issue allowing players to bypass weapon equip times after canceling a consumable use animation.
  • Players can no longer crouch through the vents of the research facility in Dusty Divot.
  • Fixed an issue causing door prediction to get stuck and make it so a player could never open doors.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect displaying of selected cosmetic items in the lobby.
  • Patched up a hole in the terrain near Lucky Landing.
  • Fixed an issue that made chests appear to be unopened when they have already been looted.
  • Fixed an issue allowing player to sprint at full speed in a section of the Loot Lake water.