Il nuovo update di Horizon Zero Dawn introduce un livello di difficoltà più basso

Nelle scorse ore Guerrilla Games ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento dedicato a Horizon Zero Dawn, che porta il gioco alla versione 1.32.

Tra le novità più rilevanti segnaliamo l’introduzione del nuovo livello di difficoltà Storia, che darà ai giocatori meno esperti la possibilità di vivere l’avventura solo dal punto di vista narrativo, senza doversi preoccupare di affrontare duri scontri contro umani e macchine.

Con il nuovo livello di difficoltà, infatti, il danno inflitto dal giocatore viene aumentato e, allo stesso tempo, viene diminuito in maniera considerevole quello ricevuto, rendendo così gli scontri molto più semplici e godibili da chi non fosse particolarmente abile nei giochi d’azione.

Ecco di seguito la lista delle note di rilascio della patch (in lingua inglese):

New Features

  • Added ‘Story Mode’ difficulty. An easier difficulty setting for people that mainly want to experience the story of Horizon Zero Dawn. 

General Fixes

  • Fixed an issue for some players where human melee attackers could change their rotation and warp towards the player after jump attacking giving them an unfair advantage.
  • Fixed an issue in New Game+ where some players were not allowed to fast travel to Sunfall campfires with the Shadow Stalwart Adept armour equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where certain players were not able to abandon a job for a job created to buy items at a merchant.
  • Fixed an issue that some players encountered where some animation events would not work properly when the player has a lot of resources.
  • Fixed an issue in “Revenge of the Nora” where for some players the Nora would not help Aloy fight off the enemy during the ‘Clear the Camps’ objective.

Progression fixes

  • Fixed an issue in “The Point of the Spear” where some players were not able to continue the quest if they dropped their Tripcaster on NG+ before talking to Rost.
  • Fixed an issue in “The Sun Shall Fall” where some players were not able to get back in the palace to talk to Blameless Marad as the gates were closed.

Crash fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash for certain players if they switched difficulty while Aloy is dead with an Errand active.
  • Fixed an issue where for some players the game would crash if a player continuously makes ‘Jobs’ and then changes difficulty continuously.

Miscellaneous fixes

  • Minor text fixes.

Vi lasciamo al trailer di presentazione del nuovo aggiornamento ricordandovi che The Frozen Wilds, DLC del gioco annunciato in occasione dell’E3 di Los Angeles, arriverà sul mercato il prossimo 7 novembre.