La nuova mappa spaziale di Overwatch debutta nel PTR su PC

Nelle scorse ore Blizzard ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per il Public Test Region di Overwatch, con l’introduzione di una nuova mappa ambientata sulla Luna, chiamata Horizon Lunar Colony.

La mappa sarà disponibile per gli utenti PC sul server di prova fino al lancio definitivo, che dovrebbe avvenire nelle prossime settimane. Nel frattempo, vi mostriamo un’anteprima di ciò che ci aspetterà nel nuovo scenario:

La patch ha aggiunto nuove skin leggendarie per Genji e D.Va, offrendo un bilanciamento alle abilità di alcuni eroi: la mossa speciale di McCree è stata potenziata velocizzando il tempo di lock-on del bersaglio (da 0.8 a 0.2 secondi), mentre Reaper ora riacquisterà ora il 20% di salute in base ai danni causati agli altri eroi. Infine, la zona d’attacco di Roadhog è stata ridotta del 20%.

Ecco di seguito le note di rilascio complete dell’aggiornamento (in inglese):

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Hero Updates

Developer Comment: McCree’s ultimate can deal a lot of damage if it has a lot of time to build up, but it was often too difficult to get even a small amount of damage out before being stopped or killed. These changes make it more flexible and powerful.

Reaper – The Reaping (Passive)

Removed health orbs
Now regains 20% of all damage done to heroes as health
Developer Comment: Reaper’s old healing passive was useful if you could kill a bunch of enemies in a row. But since enemies needed to be dead for it to work, it wasn’t very helpful unless the situation was already in your favor. His new passive lets him get immediate benefit from it, especially when fighting Tank heroes, which tend to be larger targets that deal lower damage.


Developer Comment: Roadhog’s head was abnormally large compared to similarly-sized characters, so we’re reducing its size to increase his survivability. The Scrap Gun changes reduce the power of his hook combo and alternate fire burst damage potential while still keeping his DPS roughly the same.

User Interface Updates

Developer Comment: The new “Hero Damage Done” statistic is the same as the old “Damage Done” statistic, but it doesn’t include damage done to barriers, only damage against heroes and placed objects (e.g. Torbjörn’s turret). That number can be found in the new “Barrier Damage Done” or “All Damage Done” statistics. However, since “Hero Damage Done” and “Barrier Damage Done” are brand new, their averages will only be based on time played since they were added.

Also, the old statistics were calculated by taking total damage inflicted and dividing it by the number of games played. This resulted in an average that didn’t accurately reflect the underlying performance, because it didn’t take into account the length of the games. The new averages are calculated in 10-minute slices.

Bug Fixes

General: Fixed an issue causing players to lose progress on their On Fire meter, after the meter had been completely filled


Competitive Play: Fixed a bug that caused your first win to appear as a loss in your Career Profile

Custom Games and Game Browser


Maps: Fixed a bug on Volskaya Industries that prevented the ice from appearing broken when players fell off a ledge to their death

User Interface

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